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SRP: $59.99

Rest assured that you will be well-nourished when you find yourself in an emergency with Augason Farms 3-Month Emergency Food Supply. You will enjoy great-tasting meals that are packed with flavor, satisfying, and filling. This kit contains three of our best-selling 30-Day 1-Person Emergency Food supply pails providing roughly 1,854 calories a day and a shelf life of up to 25 years.

Food is secured in three, watertight 8.5-gallon pails that are perfect for storing virtually anywhere.

• 1,854 calories per day (based on 90 days)

• 9 meal varieties

• Three 8.5 gallon pails are stackable, requiring minimal storage space

Sold out

Item: 5-20093 (qty of 3)


Total Kit:

Net Weight

89 lbs 4.5 oz (40.5kg)

Total Servings


Total Calories


Calories/Day (based on 90 days)


Shelf Life

Up to 25 years